Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Post 3

10 More Things:
1. Procrastination is the absolute worst tactic to deal with stress. I suppose there are more dangerous ways to do so, but this can be pretty overwhelming.

2. The drive from Oswego to Georgia is approximately 11 hours and 59 minutes. I don't understand why Mapquest won't schedule in 'break time to their estimations. I don't know anyone with a car that can drive that long without having to fill up their gas tank, not to mention other break reasons.

3. Lots of people enjoy watching movies a second time through just to spot things they may have missed the first time.

4. If you ask a specific UPS driver to leave the large package on your patio in the backyard, they will leave it about 10 feet from the patio, leaving you to fend for yourself with something that weighs about the same size as you. Or maybe that's only if you're lucky.

5. Superpowers can be/are classified as disabilities.

6. Only 7% of deaf children have deaf parents.

7. Cinch works very well to clean all aspects of the interior of my car, from the windows to the gauges.

8. Car brakes have a sensor that will squeal when you have worn your brakes down 50% to let you know that you should have them looked at soon.

9. Antifreeze comes in a couple of colors, one of them is bright green. Antifreeze is what makes your engine not get too hot or too cold, it is a very handy liquid.

10. Stress hormones are released in your tears when you cry.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Post Number 2

10 Interesting Things I Learned This Week

1. Chinchillas have an average life span of 20 years and cost between $125-150 at the All Animal Expo.

2. The All Animal Expo is held at the Dupage County Fairgrounds every first Saturday and third Sunday of the month.

3. Geckos are very cute, but besides that they have bands (different colored stripes) while they are young and as they mature they loose their bands and then have spots.

4. Shingles, also known as the adult version of chicken pox, can be in your eye. Also if you do have shingles in your eye, it can be very dangerous to have in your cornea, potentially leading to blindness.

5. Sugar Gliders are tiny little animals, very similar to a small squirrel that can 'fly' across the room. They have sharp tiny claws that easily scratch your arm as they climb up you and cost between $100-950. Their average life span is 15-16 years.

6. Crocodiles have powerful jaw pressure to bite down on prey but do not have the strength to open their jaws if their is slight resistance such as being held by hand or tape. Crocodiles catch their prey by using a 'death roll' which knocks a large animal off balance to easily be dragged into the water. Crocks also use a 'death roll' to tear large animals into pieces once they are dead. Most prey are killed by being bitten by a crocodile but some drown from being pulled underwater.

7. The human body has 206 bones or 208 if the sternum is counted as 3 separate bones.

8. A typical dog skeleton has an average of 319 bones.

9. To prevent knife wounds you should point your knives in the dishwasher pointing downward, handles up.

10. In the United States your mailbox must be 6-8 inches from the curb and 41-45 inches above the road surface.

Monday, June 14, 2010

First Post

1. The longest living person was Jeanne Calment. She lived for 122 years and 164 days. Interestingly, she smoked cigarettes until she was 117 years old.

2. The consumption of dairy products in America is one of the highest in the world, but so is the occurence of osteoporosis and fractures. Many studies have been conducted to determine the real relationship between milk (and other dairy products) and bone health.

3. On average people spend 6 years of their life dreaming.

4. A tumor of the pituitary gland can cause excess secretion of growth hormone, making people incredibly tall, medically known as gigantism or acromegalic gigantism.

5. Children who grow up in homes without pets are more likely to have allergies as well as asthma compared to hildren who grow up in homes with pets.

6. Unintentional injuries were the 5th leading cause of death in 2006 in America.

7. A man in Oklahoma has been struck by lightning 6 times in the past 30 years and is still cognitively and physically capable of doing everyday activities.

8. Certain drugs can lower blood pressure in hypertensive people although they can't lower high blood pressure induced by stress and tension. A study on hypertensive New York stockbrokers discovered that the stockbrokers that owned either a cact or dog had lower blood pressures and heart rates than the ones that didn't own a pet.

9. Tongue piercings have a higher rate of infection and possible risks following the piercing than other areas of the body. This is due to the fact that the mouth is a moist environment that bacteria easily grow in. Also the tongue has major blood vessels that go to the brain, making spread of an infection relatively easy to infect the brain as well as other vital organs.

10. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland; the secretion of this hormone stimulates the kidneys to conserve more water by preventing water loss from excessive urine output. The consumption of alcohol inhibits ADH from being secreted, thus making one who is drinking need to urinate more, despite the volume of alcohol that is consumed.